How to pay an employee in QuickBooks Desktop Canada
Pay an Employee using QuickBooks Desktop Canada
In this article, you would learn how to set up and pay an employee in QuickBooks Desktop Canada.
Requirement: To pay an employee Active QuickBooks Payroll Subscription is needed.
- Open QuickBooks on the home screen either choose Options Pay Employees to access Payroll center or can access it from the main by going Employees and Select Payroll center. As shown in the Image:

- 1. Now notice at the left I am on Tab that says payroll

- 2. Now click on Tab that says Pay Employee, Now in QuickBooks, you can run Payroll on Scheduled or you can run it as not scheduled.
- To set up Payroll Schedule Click on the option

- Open the Dropdown menu and select New.

- Now fill in this information as per your organization’s need, Depending on how you pay your employees Like: Weekly, Monthly, or Semi-monthly.
- In the second option choose your pay frequency from the Dropdown menu as per your need.
- After that start scheduling paychecks dates and specify the next check date as well.
- Once you are done proceed to the next step by Clicking Ok
- Now the last prompt would ask you to set up the same Payment frequency for all the employees to make your choice as per your need.
- Now click on Employee on the left and If your Right-click on Employee name and click on edit employee and select payroll info, You will see that QuickBooks has allocated him the payment as per your schedule automatically.
- Now you have your payroll scheduled setup.
- If you go to payroll you will see the list of employees scheduled for Payroll for the future.
- From here you can choose the employee and pay them as per your terms.
- When you have your payment due QuickBooks going to show a warning in Payroll that you need to run your payroll, If it’s overdue.
- To do that inside payroll you will see the number of employees who all have payroll overdue.
- You would have an option Start Scheduling Payroll.
- The next window would ask you to enter the tax adjustments if any like Insurance, Pension plan you have any as per Canadian government rules.
- After that on the next screen, It would show the pay period end date and the check date along with the account detail out of which your employees would payout.
- Just make sure you have all the information entered correctly.
- On this window, you can make adjustments as per your requirement.
- Below you see the list of employees who are ready for payroll.
- You can make the adjustment of which employees you would like to pay from that list.
- After selecting employees that you want to pay Click on Open Pay Cheque Detail.
- Take a moment to understand this window, At the top have gross salary indicated for all the employees.
- In the next column, you can fill in the number of hours for all the employees for record purposes.
- In the below section QuickBooks would automatically calculate employment taxes Like Canada Pension Plan and Employee Tax.
- On the right, it would show what taxes are deducted from your employees’ gross pay along with the CRA Garnishment amount deducted and Percentage of Vacation paid.
- After that save the changes for each employee you can make modifications by going into Open pay Cheque detail one by one.
- Once you are done with all the modification you can click continue at the bottom.
- You will then be presented to the preview screen showing you what cheque number should be used in case you are manually writing a cheque.
- And if you are paying employee via E-Check in this case instead of number Put DD
- If you want to print a cheque directly from the QuickBooks then make sure you enable that option.
- The final total of the cheque you see at the bottom of the screen.
- Once to done hit create paycheque on next prompt select yes.
- On the next screen either you can print the cheque along with print and email the paystub even if you are manually writing out these cheques we recommend at least print it to PDF so you can have a copy of your cheque and your stubs, So you can keep them for your internal records.
- If you click on Print Paystub you can select which employee you want to Print paystub for, You can also insert a company message which would appear below.
- Now if you hit preview you can see a snapshot of the paystub how it looks like before you make it available for your staff.
- You can verify the paycheque by running a journal entry report to make sure which account the amount is coming from.
- So that concludes how you perform a scheduled payroll in QuickBooks.
So this article is the entire walk through how you can schedule a payroll. And If you still have any questions and concerns contact QuickBooks Support Canada.
Check out other topic here:
How to pay an employee in QuickBooks Desktop Canada